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Erasmus+ Policy
College of Art and Design Pablo Picasso in A Coruña is a public entity run by the Xunta de Galicia Education Department. It has been teaching applied arts and art professions for more than 100 years, and nowadays it also teaches design and plastic arts. Among its alumni there were several important people in the world of art, being Pablo Picasso the most relevant and the person who gives his name to our institution. A large number of professionals have been trained here, and the fact that they have served efficiently to our society is an evidence of the quality of education in this entity.
The following studies are currently offered: higher education on Graphic Design and Interior Design, high level professional education on Artistic Photography, Illustration and Art applied to sculpture, medium level professional education on Gilding and Polychromy and workshops on Ceramic Arts. Overcoming an entrance test is required for enrolment.
Since we applied and were awarded with the ERASMUS University Charter in the academic year 2008/2009, the Pablo Picasso College commitment with LLP Programme has been increasing. This is due to the straight institutional support, the excellent feedback from participants, both staff and students, the improvement in the management, execution and coordination of mobility programmes, and a real need to take part in international mobility programmes to improve participants’ skills, whether personal, academic, professional or linguistic.
Bearing this in mind, the International Relations Office (ORI) has been consolidated. It controls every single activity: management, requirements, economic matters, destinations, training programmes, bureaucracy, language learning and advice on accommodation.
Due to the small size of our institution, we are committed to a thorough student service in terms of both academic support and any other aspect of the mobility. We have released a programme for tutor-students aimed for incoming students. It consists of a wide range of activities facilitating the students’ integration so they can feel more at ease.
We are looking for partners in Europe having an academic offer similar to ours and of a varied language diversity than might help our students to enhance their possibilities. We make postal contact, enclosing our own training offer, along with thorough information such as the protocol to the agreements.
We want to increase mobility for students and teachers, convinced that the expansion of the scope of knowledge is for the betterment of their vocational and human development.
We strive for the excellence in the training of our students, from an academic, professional training and personal point of view.
We expect our institution to host students from a wider range of EU educational offerings, being sure to provide an interesting professional experience. EASDPP agrees to comply the fundamental principles of Erasmus Charter, and commits to ensure equal opportunities, no matter the personal features of the individuals in terms of race, sex, creed, impairment or socio-economic circumstances.
Against any form of discrimination, the institution promotes the Programme among all its students, without distinction of any kind. Our offer is mainly to students with the greatest potential for development and implementation of the objectives, being preferably of the last courses, because the longer their stay in the center, the more objective, transparent and fair our assessments.
Now that last course of higher education on Design includes a period of internship in the curriculum, we want our students to be offered the chance to start their career in foreign companies; therefore we will start to make new contacts with potential partners that might integrate our students.
From the ORI, and with the support of the institution, we want all the activities in the LLP programme to be transparent and fair: the signature of inter-institutional, learning and internship agreements with the students and the host institutions, and the recognition certificates of an academic credit transfer system (ECTS).
For this, any new information, update, or change will be publicized in our website and will be posted on the bulletin board provided for this purpose.
The success of all activities undertaken is measured and analysed periodically.